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Dayton Receives Five Covid-19 Response Grants

When the Coronavirus first arose on the scene, COVID-19 was ignored so that western media in totality could cover the impeachment proceedings involving President Donald Trump. By the time western media was ready to cover COVID-1...

Green Bay Clinic Awarded 250K Grant

Trillions upon trillions of dollars have been spent on COVID relief since the pandemic first took off in America last year. Generally speaking, the lion's share of this money came directly from government. Though there have also been quit...

HUD Using Security Grants to Buy Cameras

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is responsible for almost all of the public housing you will find around the United States. While this federal department also does a lot of residential housing that's offered as ...

Michigan Small Businesses Are Eligible for New Grant Funds

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has put a lot of small businesses at risk of failure. Many of them have already had to close their doors for good. Others continue to struggle in the tough economy. Even as the vaccines ...

Round Rock Educators Receive Small Grants

Round Rock Texas wasn't among the hardest hit areas during the COVID lock-downs last year, but their education system still look a lot of damage. Although Texas is one of the first states to fully open back up, one cannot downplay t...

49ers Offer Social Justice Grants

The San Francisco 49ers are easily one of the most popular sporting franchises on the globe. During the 1980s, they won four Super Bowl titles with Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana, and then another in the 1990s with Hall of Fame QB Ste...

Illinois United Way Foundation Announces More COVID-19 Relief Grants

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed by Congress on March 27, 2020. It included more than $2 trillion in aid. The aid was to be disbursed over many months, allowing in...

$905M in Grants for Rail Projects

When President Joe Biden was elected in the most controversial Presidential Election in history, he made a promise of enormous infrastructure spending to revitalize many aspects of American society. Most economic experts agree that, at leas...

Federal COVID Grants Available but Slow

2020 was a year of many things. Future generations may remember it as the year that the United States of America spent multiple trillions of dollars, and no one really knows where any of this money went, except into the pockets of bil...